Industry and engineering

Design of a 100% online training itinerary for the distribution channel


Navigating the path to success

A multinational in the industrial sector needs to train and promote a new type of disruptive technology launching into the market through the distribution channel.


The key to transformation

We propose creating an international training program with a 100% online itinerary based on existing technical content, innovative in its format and content. Throughout the process, we define different learner personas and assign a scoring to each. The program integrates a corporate Learning Management System (LMS) and personalized Learning Experience Platform (LXP).

For promotion within the distribution channel, Inbound Marketing campaigns are launched to the database and external media, activated in Salesforce, thereby attracting participants, and conversion analysis techniques are applied. Additionally, protocols are established for the sales team to activate opportunities during training.

  • Technology

    LMS, LXP.

Diseño de itinerario formativo 100% online para el canal de distribución

A 100% online training program that integrates with the corporate LMS and customizes the experience (LXP).


The impact of working together
  • Reduction of overall training costs
  • Uniform product discourse globally with local market variations
  • Access to new audiences of influencers, previously unseen by the organization
  • Increased company visibility and brand positioning in disruptive technology
  • Enhanced sense of belonging among certified influencers
  • Acceleration of sales funnels for new products.