Glosario para dominar el lenguaje de Inteligencia Artificial Generativa

Glossary to master the language of Generative Artificial Intelligence

Inteligencia Artificial

Surely you've heard of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI), but do you master all the terms? In this article, you'll find a detailed glossary that will help you better understand the key terms and concepts related to GenAI.

Although GenAI is a broad and constantly evolving field, here are the essential foundations to get you started in implementing this technology in your business strategies.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI is a branch of computer science that enables machines to learn from experience, adapt to new inputs, and perform tasks that typically require human intelligence.

Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI)

GenAI is a subcategory within Artificial Intelligence that uses machine learning algorithms to generate new data that resembles existing data through probability. It doesn't "create" content but generates it based on the most probable next word given the context or the question posed by the person. This generative capability opens possibilities in content creation, product design, or scenario simulation.

Data Analysis

Data analysis is the process of examining, cleaning, and modeling data sets to discover useful information, infer conclusions, and support decision-making. In the context of GenAI, data analysis is fundamental to understanding and optimizing the performance of generative models, as well as interpreting the results they generate.


Chatbots are computer programs designed to simulate conversations with people, often over the Internet. In GenAI, advanced chatbots can generate realistic responses and dialogues, enhancing customer interaction and automating customer service tasks.

Unsupervised Learning

This type of machine learning involves training a model without using previously defined labels. The model seeks patterns and structures in the data on its own. It is essential for discovering non-obvious insights in large data sets and is frequently used in GenAI to generate new data not limited by specific inputs.

Supervised Learning

In contrast to unsupervised learning, here the model is trained with a set of labeled data. The model learns to predict labels from input data. In GenAI, it is used to teach generative models to produce specific results based on previous examples.

Synthetic Data

Synthetic data is artificially created, often by a machine learning model, and does not come from real situations. However, it mimics the characteristics of real data. This is particularly useful in GenAI for training models without compromising the privacy or security of real data.

Generative model

A generative model is a specific type of machine learning model designed to create new data based on training data. These models are fundamental in GenAI, as they enable the creation of new and unique content such as images, text, sound, etc.

Neural Networks

These are computational models inspired by the human brain, used in AI to learn from large amounts of data. In GenAI, neural networks are crucial for creating complex models capable of generating new and unique data.

Deep Learning

An advanced branch of machine learning using many layers of neural networks. It is essential in GenAI for tasks such as pattern recognition, image generation, and natural language processing.

Computer Vision

This discipline of AI allows machines to "see" and interpret visual data. In GenAI, it is applied to generate realistic images, interpret visual content, and assist in creating designs and prototypes.


This glossary is just the first step into the world of GenAI. Each term opens the door to new areas of possibilities and applications. With the understanding and strategic application of these concepts, the possibilities are practically limitless.

GenAI is a trend that is here to stay, revolutionizing how companies operate, innovate, and communicate. Previously, implementing AI required data specialists, and now, thanks to the cloud, AI projects can be carried out by an engineering team. That's why many companies are already including AI in their roadmaps.

If you're interested in exploring how GenAI can transform your organization or seeking expert advice on implementing these technologies, contact us! Our team of specialists is ready to assist you.