Experience Design by Opentrends


Great advances in innovation have always been produced from risky ideas.

In Opentrends we love risky fearless creatives, who jump in the deep. And we strongly believe that it is the only way to disrupt. Inspired by the Lean UX philosophy, we design experiences in sprints and validate each of our hypotheses in the fastest way. Ability to synthesize, prioritize and maintain team’s passion is essential to solve the challenges of our customers.

When we design a new product or digital service we always strive for a balance between technology, user and business needs. In every project we create a customer-oriented methodology. It is focused on understanding the business context, driven on value proposition and exploring personality and meaning of brands and products. Our goal is to dedicate creative efforts on customers’ business core. We also define, understand and follow business indicators, such as conversion, user acquisition, loyalty and engagement.